Buy Major Mitchells Cockatoo Chicks from us
Major Mitchells Cockatoo Chicks, also known as Leadbeater’s cockatoo or pink cockatoo, is a medium-sized cockatoo restricted to arid and semi-arid inland areas of Australia.
Scientific name: Lophochroa leadbeateri
Length: 50 – 60 cm (In the wild)
Higher classification: Cacatua
Rank: Species
Family: Cacatuidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Often called a pink cockatoo due to its soft pink body coloring, the Major Mitchell cockatoo is in fact named after Major Sir Thomas Mitchell, who was a surveyor and explorer of Southeast Australia during the 1800s. This beautiful cockatoo’s most distinctive feature is its white-tipped crest, which is banded red and yellow at the base. The wings are generally white with a darker pink underside. The birds grow to 36 cm long, a medium-size among cockatoos. Living in small groups or pairs, they have also been seen with flocks of galahs and little corellas.
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